Specialized Cooling Tower Solutions
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Operational Support

Solutions for Day to Day Challenges

Troubleshooting ▪ Maintenance ▪ Training

Tex Tenn has the capabilities necessary to support your operations team and assist in solving any issues they may encounter on the cooling tower.

This includes diagnosing a recurring problem or providing guidance on preventative maintenance techniques. If your staff is looking to learn more about the cooling tower or has specific questions, we offer onsite training curriculum that can be customized to your specific application.

Let us know what challenges exist at your facility and we’ll equip your operations team with the knowledge to overcome them.

Yes, we can help with that…

  • Start Up Procedures

  • Cold Weather Operation

  • Gearbox Oil Maintenance

  • Mechanical Equipment Alignment

  • Vibration Monitoring

  • Blow Down & Cycles of Concentration

  • Water Quality

  • Splash Out & Drift

  • Cell Isolation

  • Distribution and Water Loading

  • Fan Blade Pitch

  • Safety

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Project Support

A Partner for Every Step of the Project

Save Costs ▪ Stay on Schedule ▪ Ensure Quality

Cooling tower projects can present challenges for even the most experienced individuals, challenges that can derail even the best laid plans.

Tex Tenn offers a full portfolio of services to lend support at every stage of the project life cycle.

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Custom Project Specifications
Once we’ve determined your primary objectives for the work, we’ll develop a specification that is in line with them. The language will be as neutral as possible, allowing for the most competitive collection of bid responses. And with our industry experience, we’ll specify the most cost effective materials and components that are appropriate for the application.

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Bid Evaluation Services
Sorting through a collection of bid responses is tedious and it can be difficult to understand the subtle differences between proposals. We will clearly explain the cost and benefits of the offerings, and what they mean to your operation. This will allow you to make the best overall selection for your facility.

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Quality Assurance and Control
Quality starts with planning. We’ll help develop a QA/QC hold plan that will allow for proper monitoring without impeding the project. We will then coordinate with the contractor to confirm that the work is completed per the design.

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Ongoing Project Support
Tex Tenn can also lend support onsite with any challenges that may arise. Sometimes additional damage is revealed during the project. We can define, scope, and resolve any emergent issues. We also have the capabilities to offer construction work plan solutions if required.


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Long Term Repair Plans

Schedule Maintenance on Your Terms

Optimize Repairs ▪ Refine Capital Budgets

It’s the unexpected maintenance projects that are the mostly costly. These often come in the form of equipment failures, and at times, these can cause forced outages. Repair services are then rushed to get the equipment back online. This leaves little time for planning or a competitive bid process.

Allow us to help you avoid these situations with effective long term repair planning. These plans take into consideration the current health of the cooling tower, upcoming planned outages, capital budgets, and the planned service life of the facility. With this information we then define maintenance projects that are to be completed in order of priority.


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Fleetwide Services

A Centralized Cooling Tower Resource for Your Organization

Align Fleetwide Efforts ▪ A Standby Resource


For those customers that have cooling towers at multiple facilities, we offer a Fleetwide Services Program. We will serve as a centralized engineering resource, delivering expertise as needed at all of your locations.

Here’s how this program can provide value for your operations:

Sharing of Best Practices
By being engaged at all of the facilities, we can better facilitate lessons learned and best practices (for your specific operation) across the fleet.

Align Maintenance Across the Fleet
We can prioritize repair work across all of the facilities and package multiple work scopes into a single bid event when appropriate.

Increase Visibility for Planning and Budgeting
A key element to any business is effective budgeting and planning. This is difficult to achieve if a large project becomes an unexpected cost. We will provide long term maintenance plans that will identify the expected spend for each of your facilities.

Standby Resource for Operators
Today’s plant personnel are burdened with a never ending list of tasks. We can support them as an “on-call” resource for anything cooling tower related. If an issue arises, we want to be your first call.

We’ll tailor the services within the program to fit your needs and your application.

Give us a call and we can discuss how to get started.